Time to Amplify Your Web3 Leadership

The next wave of influential leaders in web3 are quickly coming to terms with being  conscientious, considered, and effective decision makers. People who can both specialize in a target project and participate productively in a broad range of governance discussions. 

The future of the decentralized web3 protocols you know and love will increasingly depend on this skillset. There is simply not enough interest in governance and voting from general community members to consistently achieve an effective quorum that captures the majority view. 

RabbitHole’s role in web3 is growing and evolving

At RabbitHole, we hold tokens with voting rights in several protocols and have a vested interest in their success. Contributors from our team participating in the stewardship of these protocols is what we call metagovernance — the process of a decision-making group in one DAO forming a conclusion and executing a vote in the governance of another.  

We’ll be talking more about why we think this is important to us and its benefits to our community and partners in an upcoming post. But right now I want to focus on why it’s important to you, and your future in web3. 

The metagovernance skills we’re building set future leaders apart

Reliable, knowledgeable governance contributors are a valuable asset to any decentralized community, and becoming one is an excellent way to grow your network, build out your web3 CV and potentially even earn some income. But let’s take it a couple of steps further. What if you could also effectively distill and represent a range of opinions to make a decision on behalf of many others? And what if you had the ability to do this in different protocols, ones where you don’t possess a deep working knowledge, by identifying tools and techniques that can be applied across almost any situation?

This is what differentiates the craft of metagovernance and those who can demonstrate it. The ability to hop seamlessly between protocols and decisions, adding value wherever you go, provides exponential growth in the scope of your potential web3 influence and involvement. 

Metagovernance is a portal to an advanced web3 skillset. The RabbitHole Metagovernance Pod have reviewed and written recommendations on over 70 proposals covering strategic investments, tokenomics, treasury management, personnel, marketing, DAO operations, risk management, and new partnerships. 

Your opportunity starts now

Our RabbitHole Metagovernance Pod is experiencing this journey and the challenges of attaining proficiency as a leader within and across protocols. It’s not easy. There is significant variation in the quality, clarity, timeliness, level of risk and degree of community alignment in the proposals we encounter. Assuming we can navigate those complexities, the logistics of on-chain voting, multi-sig wallets and an evolving understanding of best practices in metagovernance workflow present further challenges. 

Despite this (and in some ways, because of it), we are seeing exciting web3 leaders emerging and gaining recognition as a new generation of critical decision makers. Will you be next? The launch of v1 of our Metagovernance Pod is imminent. Maybe it’s time to find out.

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